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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Veterans Tribute?

The Veterans Tribute is a project designed to honor veterans who have connections to the counties of Bond, Clinton, Fayette, Marion and Washington.

I have a family member who doesn’t live in the five counties can he or she be placed on the Tribute?

Yes, as long as the veteran has a connection to the five counties, be it through a family member that is living here, or they themselves live here, the veteran is eligible to be placed on the wall.

How is the Veterans Tribute funded?

The Tribute is being funded entirely through private donations. The Tribute Committee works tirelessly to raise funds through donations or various fund raising activities.

Is it finished?

No, the Tribute is being constructed in three phases. The first phase, which consisted of two walls, the warriors’ court with five bronze service seals and the bronze eagle in the center is completed. Phase II consists of three additional walls and the third phase will feature an education building that will also double as a museum.

How many names are on display?

Currently the Tribute has 48,141 names on the five walls installed.

How many names will be displayed once phase two is complete?

An additional 38,000 names are expected to be displayed once the three walls are completed.

How are names collected?

The Veterans Tribute Committee accepts names from the public to place on the wall. Names are submitted by friends, family, or the veterans themselves. These names can be submitted to members of the Veterans Tribute Committee, to the college, or by going on line at

How can I become involved in the Veterans Tribute Project?

The Veterans Tribute Committee welcomes anyone and everyone to become part of this unique project. If you would like to help host a fund raising event, help collect names, or be a part of the Tribute Committee you can call 618-545-3177, or contact a member of the Veterans Tribute Committee.